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Well well here we are again - back at it, trying to make sure you get the best out of life. I'm talking about education and learning. Specifically the education and learning of media. It's something that we encounter daily and yet rarely do we really take the time to learn how these things came into being and what they mean to us in modern society. That is because for a majority of us, it isn't just a hobby, but a lifestyle that we're engaged by constantly consuming media since birth itself. And yet, many of us are completely unaware of the origin or originators of this media today. I'm talking about the people who created the mass medium of movies, TV shows, video games and music - an art form that has come to define modern culture. I am talking about the little known people who invented the sites that expose us to these media everyday on our computers, tablets and phones - places like YouTube, Hulu and Netflix.But more on this later - enough words already! Let's get into it shall we? Without further ado here are 10 things you probably didn't know about Media Education. Media education has always had a huge influence in our lives ever since it became mainstream in society. It started out in the form of movie theaters. These movie theaters were at first used for entertainment purposes only, but they quickly became an educational medium to many members of society. By the 1920s, media education was so popular in society that it was featured in high school classrooms. There was a time when it was quite popular in America and Europe and looked upon by many as a great way to teach and educate the youth. But something happened: in the 1950s it all began to go downhill. Many people considered movies and all media forms as morally corrupting children and were opposed to its influence in society. Some people even believed that movies caused juvenile delinquency among kids. The solution? Media education was banned in schools - right along with comic books. The ban of media education in the 1950s was nothing short of an attack on words, images and ideas. It was a time when many people's rights were being threatened by censorship - this was one of them. This type of censorship is exactly what media education is all about - it's about having access to media and deciding for yourself what you think about it. It's about the right to communicate with other people who have different opinions than you do without having to be afraid that you'll be attacked for those views. This element is what got media education banned from the classroom in the 1950s. Protecting people's right to choose what they want to see and hear is a noble cause. But it was a mistake by government officials in the 1950s. This decision resulted in a stagnated society where people were unable to make informed decisions about what they wanted to do with their lives - even though this may have been for the good of many kids at the time. In short, it contributed to our society taking a wrong turn down a path that led us down to where we are today. It didn't stop there! In fact, it just got worse when these same officials passed censorship laws against another art form in society: comic books. cfa1e77820

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